Batchtools futures for custom batchtools configuration
Batchtools futures for custom batchtools configuration
envir = parent.frame(),
substitute = TRUE,
globals = TRUE,
label = NULL,
resources = list(),
workers = NULL,
conf.file = findConfFile(),
cluster.functions = NULL,
registry = list(),
- expr
The R expression to be evaluated
- envir
The environment in which global environment should be located.
- substitute
Controls whether
should besubstitute()
:d or not.- globals
(optional) a logical, a character vector, a named list, or a Globals object. If TRUE, globals are identified by code inspection based on
searching from environmentenvir
. If FALSE, no globals are used. If a character vector, then globals are identified by lookup based their namesglobals
searching from environmentenvir
. If a named list or a Globals object, the globals are used as is.- label
(optional) Label of the future (where applicable, becomes the job name for most job schedulers).
- resources
(optional) A named list passed to the batchtools template (available as variable
). See Section 'Resources' inbatchtools::submitJobs()
more details.- workers
(optional) The maximum number of workers the batchtools backend may use at any time. Interactive and "local" backends can only process one future at the time (
workers = 1L
), whereas HPC backends, where futures are resolved via separate jobs on a scheduler, can have multiple workers. In the latter, the default isworkers = NULL
, which will resolve togetOption("future.batchtools.workers")
. If neither are specified, then the default is100
.- conf.file
(character) A batchtools configuration file as for instance returned by
.- cluster.functions
A ClusterFunctions object.
- registry
(optional) A named list of settings to control the setup of the batchtools registry.
- ...
Additional arguments passed to
options(error = function(...) {
cf <- batchtools::makeClusterFunctionsInteractive(external = TRUE)
#> ClusterFunctions for mode: Interactive
#> List queued Jobs : FALSE
#> List running Jobs: FALSE
#> Kill Jobs : FALSE
#> Hooks : -
#> List of 11
#> $ name : chr "Interactive"
#> $ submitJob :function (reg, jc)
#> $ killJob : NULL
#> $ listJobsQueued : NULL
#> $ listJobsRunning : NULL
#> $ array.var : chr NA
#> $ store.job.collection: logi TRUE
#> $ store.job.files : logi FALSE
#> $ scheduler.latency : num 0
#> $ fs.latency : num 0
#> $ hooks : list()
#> - attr(*, "class")= chr "ClusterFunctions"
plan(batchtools_custom, cluster.functions = cf)
#> batchtools_custom:
#> - args: function (..., cluster.functions = list(name = "Interactive", submitJob = function (reg, jc) { assertRegistry(reg, writeable = TRUE) assertClass(jc, "JobCollection") if (external) { runOSCommand(Rscript(), sprintf("-e \"batchtools::doJobCollection('%s', output = '%s')\"", jc$uri, jc$log.file)) } else { doJobCollection(jc, output = jc$log.file) } makeSubmitJobResult(status = 0L, = "cfInteractive") }, killJob = NULL, listJobsQueued = NULL, listJobsRunning = NULL, array.var = NA_character_, store.job.collection = TRUE, store.job.files = FALSE, scheduler.latency = 0, fs.latency = 0, hooks = list()), workers = "<NULL>", envir = parent.frame())
#> - tweaked: TRUE
#> - call: plan(batchtools_custom, cluster.functions = cf)
#> [1] 1
## Create explicit future
f <- future({
cat("PID:", Sys.getpid(), "\n")
#> BatchtoolsCustomFuture:
#> Label: NULL
#> Expression:
#> {
#> cat("PID:", Sys.getpid(), "\n")
#> 42L
#> }
#> Lazy evaluation: FALSE
#> Asynchronous evaluation: TRUE
#> Local evaluation: TRUE
#> Environment: 0x582ae952e1b8
#> Capture standard output: TRUE
#> Capture condition classes: ‘condition’ (excluding ‘<none>’)
#> Immediate condition classes: ‘immediateCondition’
#> Globals: <none>
#> Packages: <none>
#> L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG seed: <none> (seed = FALSE)
#> Resolved: TRUE
#> Value: <not collected>
#> Conditions captured: <none>
#> Early signaling: FALSE
#> Owner process: d157f37f38687417294441ebcc9bd523
#> Class: ‘BatchtoolsCustomFuture’, ‘BatchtoolsFuture’, ‘Future’, ‘environment’
#> batchtools configuration file: <NA>
#> batchtools cluster functions: ‘Interactive’
#> batchtools cluster functions template: <NA>
#> batchtools status: ‘defined’, ‘finished’, ‘started’, ‘submitted’
#> batchtools Registry:
#> File dir exists: TRUE
#> Work dir exists: TRUE
#> Job Registry
#> Backend : Interactive
#> File dir : /tmp/henrik/RtmpSW4Syv/future.batchtools/docs/reference/.future/20250330_083242-vW8dU8/batchtools_1579641821
#> Work dir : /tmp/henrik/RtmpSW4Syv/future.batchtools/docs/reference
#> Jobs : 1
#> Seed : 1580
#> Writeable: TRUE
v <- value(f)
#> PID: 911785
#> [1] 42
options(error = NULL)
## Create explicit future
f <- future({
cat("PID:", Sys.getpid(), "\n")
#> BatchtoolsCustomFuture:
#> Label: NULL
#> Expression:
#> {
#> cat("PID:", Sys.getpid(), "\n")
#> 42L
#> }
#> Lazy evaluation: FALSE
#> Asynchronous evaluation: TRUE
#> Local evaluation: TRUE
#> Environment: 0x582ae952e1b8
#> Capture standard output: TRUE
#> Capture condition classes: ‘condition’ (excluding ‘<none>’)
#> Immediate condition classes: ‘immediateCondition’
#> Globals: <none>
#> Packages: <none>
#> L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG seed: <none> (seed = FALSE)
#> Resolved: TRUE
#> Value: <not collected>
#> Conditions captured: <none>
#> Early signaling: FALSE
#> Owner process: d157f37f38687417294441ebcc9bd523
#> Class: ‘BatchtoolsCustomFuture’, ‘BatchtoolsFuture’, ‘Future’, ‘environment’
#> batchtools configuration file: <NA>
#> batchtools cluster functions: ‘Interactive’
#> batchtools cluster functions template: <NA>
#> batchtools status: ‘defined’, ‘finished’, ‘started’, ‘submitted’
#> batchtools Registry:
#> File dir exists: TRUE
#> Work dir exists: TRUE
#> Job Registry
#> Backend : Interactive
#> File dir : /tmp/henrik/RtmpSW4Syv/future.batchtools/docs/reference/.future/20250330_083242-vW8dU8/batchtools_984695584
#> Work dir : /tmp/henrik/RtmpSW4Syv/future.batchtools/docs/reference
#> Jobs : 1
#> Seed : 30314
#> Writeable: TRUE
v <- value(f)
#> PID: 911806
#> [1] 42
## Create explicit future
f <- future({
cat("PID:", Sys.getpid(), "\n")
v <- value(f)
#> PID: 911830
#> [1] 42